What To Expect When You’re Going Through Menopause?

Demystify your understanding of what’s happening to you. Arm yourself with solid, game-changing information to support you through this challenging phase of your life.

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Papaya resembeling uterus

My uterus and I have broken up

On 9th December, I had a total hysterectomy, and by total, I mean everything. My ovaries, uterus and cervix officially left the building on 9th December 2019, and I was finally able to say good riddance to those useless chunks of childbearing flesh. I guess with two small boys produced, they’ve served me well. “They had […]

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Papaya resembeling uterus

On 9th December, I had a total hysterectomy, and by total, I mean everything. My ovaries, uterus and cervix officially left the building on 9th December 2019, and I was finally able to say good riddance to those useless chunks of childbearing flesh. I guess with two small boys produced, they’ve served me well. “They had […]

My uterus and I have broken up

I’m Charlotte Hunter

Hey there!

I, too, felt like my body was punishing me for being a woman. Seriously, I’ve been there and got the t-shirt. And I launched a nutrition therapy business to prove it. 

You’re Not Alone. Let’s Be Friends On Social.