Mid-Life Burnout: Optimising Cortisol Levels During Menopause

What is covered?

→ Why is cortisol important during the menopause?

→ What symptoms can occur if your clientsʼ cortisol levels arenʼt balanced?

→ What are the major players that influence blood sugar?

→ What exactly are adrenal hormones?

→ Whatʼs a feedback loop? And how does chronic stress disrupt them?

→ How exactly do we keep cortisol levels at optimal range?

→ What can we learn from our clientʼs history?

→Whatʼs the difference between internal and external stressors and how do each of them impact cortisol levels?

→ What can we actually test for?

→ What lifestyle changes can be made to improve cortisol levels?

→ Mid-Life Burnout: Optimising Cortisol Levels During Menopause What supplements can be taken to improve cortisol levels?

→ How can you establish stable blood sugar?

→ How can you help your client regulate her thyroid? And what does a healthy thyroid look like, anyway?

→ What strategies can you implement to create balance across oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels?

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going through the menopause 

Demystify your understanding of what’s happening to you. Arm yourself with solid, game-changing information to support you through this challenging phase of your life.

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