Corporate Menopause Webinar: Designing, Writing and Presenting a Group Session

What is covered?

→ How can you, as a practitioner, reshape the preconceived notion that a nutritionist will tell you to eat salad and celery only?

→ How do you determine your core priorities in this session?

→ What is a corporate session and how does it differ to anything else? Does the content need to be different?

→ How can you manage the mixture of gender in the room and maintain engagement with men, too?

→ What are your options for presenting?

→ How can you make this talk fully inclusive and engaging?

→ Do you really need a contract? If so, what needs to be in it?

→ How do you determine how much to charge for this talk?

→ What are the opportunities (and golden rules) for promotion during this talk?

→ Why is it a huge no-no to list how qualified you are?

→ How can you begin your talk with high energy and engagement?

→ What framework can you use to structure your session to avoid tangents?

→ What work-related facts can you drop on your audience to capture attention?

→ What types of activities can you include to get people talking?

→ What action-points can you leave your group with? Both for employers and employees

→ What topics should you avoid at all costs when delivering a corporate session?

→ How do you go about contacting companies to pitch a group session?

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going through the menopause 

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